When thinking about braces, some people have certain images about how braces supposed to look like. These are 5 most common myths that Dr. Nancy Phan and our team often heard about at Care Orthodontics.
1. Myth 1: Braces are just for crooked teeth. Braces correct more than crooked teeth! For example, you may not have crooked teeth but your front teeth may not come together. They interfere with the way you eat and talk, thus you need braces. Other case, your teeth may be straight but you show too much gum and your bite are off to one side when biting down. Braces can correct all these bite problems in addition to straighten out the teeth.
2. Myth 2: Braces are just for kids. Although many kids wear braces, adults have braces too. The American Association of Orthodontists conducted a recent survey and found that nearly 40% of patients in an orthodontic office are adults. Adults can still wear braces to correct teeth, bite and achieve a better smile appearance.
3. Myth 3: Braces are too painful. Although braces can cause discomfort, they are not as painful as you think. Many studies have done to survey patients. People, statistically averaged, rate the discomfort of having braces is about 2 out of a scale of 10. This discomfort happens mostly during the first 3 days after braces placed on. Don’t let the fear of pain keep you away from attaining that attractive smile that you always dream of!
4. Myth 4: Braces mean metal mouth. Although the traditional braces are metal braces, there are many options to having braces. You can get ceramic braces that are clear-color brackets. You can also get removable braces, such as Invisalign®, without any type of metal in the mouth.
5. Myth 5: Braces are too costly. Braces take time and resources and just like any medical procedure, they can be expensive. At Care Orthodontics, we work out flexible payment plans along with insurance coverage, flexible spending account, and other payment options to reduce the financial burden and make it fit within your budget.
The truth about wearing braces is that it is an orthodontic solution to correct dental problem, jaw alignment, and mastication functions. Having braces is more than just an esthetic solution. Patient haves braces correction so that they can chew better, make sound better, bite comfortable, and minimize strains and stress to the temporal mandibular housing complex. Although some general dentists provide braces treatment, orthodontic specialists have the additional training, experience, vested skills, and interests to take care of complex cases. Visit us www.CareOrthodontics.com for more education materials and office information.